Monday, August 22, 2011


Do you ever find yourself refreshing a page on the internet like a madman? You are waiting for that response, but it hasn't gotten there yet. So you refresh and refresh in hopes that maybe, after the tenth time you do it, you'll get the response you wanted.

Last night I wrote on his wall, the bastard's wall. He wrote something mean to me, naturally, so I decided to defend myself. So sue me.
"You're kind of a douche, just sayin." what I wrote.
Someone liked it and agreed. Humiliation enough, I'd say. I am aware that his mother and his so-called "friends" would read it. Would that stop me? No, of course not. It made me want to do it more. So I did it.
So what did I expect? A defensive comment from him? A friend removal? A block? An angry text message?
I got a response I wasn't expecting. HE THOUGHT I WAS KIDDING.

Well I failed.

And for the record, it wasn't cyber- bullying. And if it was, he started it.
Turns out, I'm not that nice.

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