Saturday, August 13, 2011

Does everyone come in and out of your life for a reason? 
Well of course they do, now that I think about it. 

Because when she walks past you and taps you on the shoulder and says to you, "You have ranch on your chin." 
and you wipe it off and thank her because you were just about to walk into a job interview with RANCH on your CHIN. 
Because the man who was going to interview you just happens to be allergic to ranch. 
She made a difference in your life. 

Because when you're in a diner and you're reading a book while listening to your iPod, you're completely distracted. Everyone is panicking and running around in circles, but you have no idea because you're distracted! Finally a man shakes you and yells, "THERE'S A FIRE! GET OUT!" 
So you both run out. 
He just saved your damn life. 

Dramatic or silly or calmer or whatever. Maybe someone smiled at you in the hallway and it made your day. 
The thing that sucks is that these people making a difference in your life, never happen to walk past you ever again. You never see them again. How do you thank them? 


  1. Follow James Blunt's example.
    "You're Beautiful" was apparently about a girl who smiled at him on the subway...
    I'm sure she heard the song since it became a mega-hit.

    If only I could thank those anonymous ranch-detecting heroes.

  2. I have heard that song, thanks for the reminder if that.
    I figured there is a way to thank them. This blog. Maybe someday they'll see it. I dunno.

    Thanks for reading!
