Monday, October 24, 2011


At church yesterday, I saw this guy with long blonde curls. They were everywhere. I looked at him and I didn't want to look away. But then he looked at me and I thought, "Oh shit, look away!"

I kept looking over at him occasionally. I saw him smiling and I wanted to die, he was really something. This little girl went up to him and shook his hand, then walked over to me and shook my hand, then went back to him and shook his hand again. I looked at his hands and they were stunning. Perfect, veiny, masculine, yet delicate.

Then he looked at me again while I was looking at him, but this time I didn't look away. I smiled at him, as flirtatiously as I could. I knew I was never going to see him again. I just wanted to give him a look that he would remember. Enough that he might go home that night and blog about it.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Yesterday, after school, I was standing in the rain debating whether I should skip swim practice or just go. I was standing outside alone, everyone was long gone. Then this boy walks out, not noticing me. He didn't have any particular feature that absolutely attracted me. Other than that he looked straight in my eyes earlier that day. That was pretty cool.

I decided to go to swim practice so I got up and walked far behind him.

I was listening to The Libertines.

He must have been listening to some sort of Rap because he was dancing kinda funny and pretending to rap. I was laughing in admiration behind him.
He inspired me to listen to music that I could move to, so I started listening to Kanye West and started dancing as I made my way to the pool.


I hate it when good looking women have short hair.
Let me tell you why:

1.) because they look like guys and I am automatically attracted to them.

2.) it confuses the hell outta' me.

3.) it's just not very feminine.

The other day, I saw a chick with short, messy hair. She was hot.
I thought, "If that's a boy, holy shit. If it's a girl, might as well. She's just as attractive."

I'm crazy.