Friday, September 16, 2011


I was on the bus yesterday, waiting to get to my stop. In between the joyous ride, a man walked past me. Oh my hell, his scent was magnificent. I looked up, jaw wide open, and like almost drooled. This man was stunning.

Normally for me to "fall in love" with a stranger, he or she would have to do something special. This man just smelled good and his looks were incredible. I don't want to seem shallow, but he did absolutely nothing special but walk past me and I was captured.

That doesn't happen to often with me.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I met this guy that's in my chemistry class. Not the same one I've told some of you about...a different one.

He's really quiet. So I asked him to be in my lab group and he gladly accepted. 
We all started talking and he's actually pretty funny and kind. He's not shy at all, because he talks a lot without blushing and whatnot. 

He told us that he's not shy, he's just quiet. He has a really nice smile too. And beautiful blue eyes. 
And the prettiest hands I've seen in a long time. 
I wonder what he does with them. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


There was this guy at a festival I went to with long blond hair. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt with some faded jeans and vans (or something....). He looked very relaxed.  He had a very handsome face, a face that girls wouldn't normally acknowledge because of his clothing choice.
Well, I saw this guy and nearly melted. (I'm crazy)

Ha, we were walking slowly behind him when he stopped to look at some shoes that were on sale. 
"How much are these shoes?" he asked. 

I officially melted, just hearing his voice. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011


The first word in French that our teacher taught us.

I don't know where I'm going with this, except for that; in the hallway, that was the first word he said -directly- to me.
It was so amusing and he was so charming about it.

I wonder if he knows that he made my day.